Sequel to Kremzeek!
By Sheba
Note: In the Sailor Moon Universe, this takes
place during the DOOM TREE saga (Sailor Moon R/Season 2) before Serena gets a
new locket.
Sailor Moon/TF Crossover: Sequel to Kremzeek!
Optimus Prime charged down a Tokyo street, with
Blaster, Inferno, and Bumblebee hanging on for dear life. Not far up ahead, the
little Kremzeek monster that had just popped out of Blaster’s chest a few
minutes ago was creating more havoc.
“Oh man when are we gonna get this thing?”
Inferno moaned, “We just had the little beggar; now we have to start all over
“Patience, Inferno,” Prime told him.
“Well I’m all out of patience!” Inferno growled.
Bumblebee and Blaster both sighed.
School had just gotten out and Raye, Serena,
Amy, Lita, and Meena were walking down the street with Luna and Artemis.
Suddenly a huge screaming crowd of people ran past them. The girls and the two
cats had to quickly jam up against the side of a building in order to avoid
getting trampled.
“I wonder what that was all about,” Artemis
remarked, as the last of the crowd passed and the street was eerily empty.
“Hey, what’s that?” Lita wondered, and pointed
at a plume of smoke in the direction where the crowd had come from.
“Let’s find out!” Luna said, and they all ran to
see what was the cause of the commotion.
It didn’t take long to find out what the problem
was—all the little shops in the area were ruined. Smoke was pouring out of the
broken windows.
“What could have done this?” Amy mused.
Suddenly Serena wailed. “OH NO, THE VIDEO
ARCADE!!!” The others turned to see Lita and Serena’s favorite arcade—with all
the machines broken. They were emitting sparks and smoke to beat the band.
“Kremzeek?” A little yellow electrical gremlin
poked its head out of one of the game machines. When it saw the girls it
grinned and started bouncing from machine to machine, causing several of them
to explode.
“Kremzeek, Kremzeek!” the creature cackled.
“MOON PRISM POWER!!!” Serena yelled. Immediately
she began glowing in pinkish-purple colored lights. Her locket glowed, and pink
ribbons sprang from in. They enveloped her and coalesced into the main part of
her Sailor outfit in a flash of crescent-moon shaped lights. The ribbons
continued up her arms--forming her gloves, and her legs—forming her boots. Then
the skirt part appeared, followed by her tiara and barrettes.
“I guess we’d better transform, too,” Amy
stated, “MERCURY POWER!!!” She held up her Mercury wand and the Mercury Icon
glowed, and began spinning—releasing a band of bubbly waterlike energy. It
wrapped itself around her, and enveloped her in a blue shimmering light. When
the light dissipated, a blast of bubbles appeared with it, and Amy was now
Sailor Mercury.
Once all the Scouts had transformed, Kremzeek
darted out of the Arcade and into the street. He didn’t notice Optimus and the
others heading towards him. Sailor Moon and the others dashed out of the
Arcade. Artemis tried leaping on Kremzeek, but got zapped.
“Artemis, NO!” Luna shouted. She quickly ran up
to him. “Are you alright, Artemis?”
“Well, that was shocking,” Artemis moaned, as he
picked himself up.
“Hey YOU!” Sailor Moon shouted at Kremzeek.
“Yeah, I’m talking to YOU! Shame on you for causing all this destruction! I am
the Champion of Justice—I’m SAILOR MOON! And on behalf of the Moon and
Videogamers everywhere, I SHALL PUNISH YOU!!!”
Sailor Mercury touched her right earring, which
activated her visor. She used it to scan the creature to determine how to
handle it. All this time, Kremzeek was bouncing around in glee.
“I’ve had enough!” Sailor Jupiter fumed,
“WAIT!” Mercury exclaimed.
“What?” Jupiter said, taken aback.
“I just scanned that creature. It’s made
entirely of electrical energy. If you zap it with a thunderbolt, it will only
get stronger!” Sailor Mercury explained.
“MARS….FIRE…….IGNITE!!!” The fireball that
Sailor Mars aimed at the creature had absolutely no effect. “Oh no, it didn’t
work!” Mars complained.
“VENUS…CRESCENT BEAM, SMASH!!!” Kremzeek easily
dodged the beam—and apparently this was amusing it very much. It kept jumping
around and cackling “Kremzeek, Kremzeek!”
“Hey Optimus, did you see that?” Bumblebee
asked, as he saw Sailor Mars use her Mars Fire attack.
“Affirmative,” Optimus said, “But I don’t
believe it!” The Autobots reached Kremzeek and the Sailor Scouts just as Sailor
Venus was firing a second and third Crescent Beam, without success. Inferno,
Blaster, and Bumblebee piled off. Then Optimus transformed.
Jupiter turned and saw them. “Hey, who are you?”
she demanded.
“There’s no time to explain now,” Optimus stated,
“We have to stop that thing!”
“I wish it would just stand still for a minute
so we could blast it!” Sailor Venus said crossly.
“Wait, that’s it!” Sailor Mercury realized.
“MERCURY BUBBLES!!!” A ball of blue-white energy gathered in Mercury’s hands. “BLAST!!!”
She flung the energy ball out and it became a mass of bubbles. When it hit
Kremzeek it created a fog and it stood there, looking around. “Kremzeek?” it
“NOW, Sailor Moon--while it’s distracted!” Luna
“Gotcha!” Sailor Moon acknowledged, and she
removed her tiara. As she did, a pulse of energy emanated from the red gem in
the center of the tiara. It then transformed into a glowing disk. “MOON
TIARA……..MAGIC!!!” Sailor Moon shouted as she threw the tiara at Kremzeek.
“KREMZEEEEEEEEEEK!!!” the creature shrieked, as
the tiara hit. The power of the tiara de-energized Kremzeek, causing it to
dissipate. The last they saw of it was a few sparks on the ground.
“You destroyed it! Thank goodness!” Optimus
Prime sighed with relief. “But HOW…how did you get powers like that?”
“It’s a very long story,” Luna told him.
“Am I hearin’ things, or did that cat just
TALK?!” Blaster exclaimed.
“Well now that the little beggar is finally
outta our hair, how about introductions?” Inferno suggested.
“I’m Sailor Moon, and these are my
friends—Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, Sailor Jupiter, Luna, and
Artemis.” Sailor Moon told them, “What about you?”
“We are called Autobots,” Optimus Prime began,
“I am Optimus Prime, the Leader of the Autobots. This is Blaster, Inferno, and
“So where did that thing come from, anyway?”
Sailor Jupiter wanted to know.
“It was a creation of Megatron and the
Decepticons,” Optimus Prime stated.
“Decepticons…wait, I’ve heard about them,”
Sailor Mercury said, “Don’t they go around stealing energy?”
“Exactly,” Inferno replied.
“We’ve had our own problems with energy
thieves,” Luna explained, “Only of a different sort.”
“Like what?” Bumblebee wondered.
“Monsters from the Negaverse,” Luna said, “The
energy they are searching for is not found in power plants, however.”
“What other sort of energy is there?” Optimus
“The energy found in all living things,” Artemis
said, “Although for some reason they find that the energy in humans is the
strongest. That’s why the Scouts here have their powers—to stop the
Nega-Monsters from carrying out their mission.”
“What exactly is the Negaverse?” Optimus Prime
“It’s a whole other Universe, but it’s
completely different from our own. Not long ago, we defeated the ruler of the
Negaverse—Queen Beryl. It was her desire to destroy the Universe so that only
the Negaverse would be left. She wanted to use the energy from humans to feed
the NegaForce so that it could expand the Negaverse at the expense of our world.
However Queen Beryl may be gone, but the NegaForce lives on. It seems as though
it already has selected a new agent for its plan to destroy our world.”
“This is all very interesting,” Optimus Prime
“Hey, shouldn’t we go and see how Omega’s doing?”
Blaster asked.
“Affirmative,” Prime replied, “We must go soon.
It was a pleasure meeting you all. Thanks for your help.”
“Ahhh, it was nothing,” Sailor Moon said.
“Autobots, transform, and roll out!” Optimus
Prime commanded. He reverted to his semi-truck mode. Inferno and Bumblebee
followed suit, and Blaster transformed and landed on Bumblebee’s front seat.
“I hope we see you again,” Sailor Mars called
out after them.
“Sure!” Inferno said, “With powers like those,
maybe someday you could help us kick some Decepticon cans!” And with that,
Prime and the others headed back to where Omega Supreme had been left.
“Oh no,” Sailor Mercury said suddenly.
“What is it, Mercury?” Sailor Moon wondered.
“I just scanned and found out that the Life
Energy of Autobots is even more potent than that of humans. If the monsters of
the Negaverse ever find this out, we’ll be in real trouble!”
The End