Escape to Third Earth
Chap 1 / Chap 2 / Chap 3 / Chap 4 / Chap 5 / Chap 6 / Chap 7 / Chap 8 / Chap 9 / Chap 10 / Chap 11 / Chap 12 / Chap 13 / Chap 14 / Chap 15 / Chap 16 / Chap 17 Author: Lady1Venus Email: Rated:
14+ Genre: General/Romance Story: Novel Progress:
Complete Main Characters: Tygra and OFC Summary: Rated for minor violence, minor adult
themes and profanity. A young woman crashes on Third Earth and with the help from the Thundercats, she learns to live again.
But deep within her past, she is hiding horrible events. Can Tygra help her reveal them? [Tygra/OC, minor Lion-O/Cheetara]

Finding Other Needs of Protection Story Author: Lady1Venus Email: Rated:
PG Genre: General Story:
Short Story Progress: Complete Main
Charcters: Lion-O and Warrior Maiden Summary: Lion-O inlists the help of someone different when he can not call his friends
to his aid, though he has the sword. His aid is someone who just happened to be in the right place at the right time

Travel Home Story Author: Lady1Venus Email: Rated:
G Genre: General Story:
Short Story Progress: Complete Main
Characters: WilyKit and WilyKat Summary: At the end of "The Time Capsule" when the Thunderkittens are grounded. A conversation
in the tank back to the Cats Lair. I hope the story is not too sappy. I know it's short